Welcome to StarCarHR

Dear Star Employee Team:

We have all endured and are enduring hardships during this time. One thing for sure... we will not reach the other side if we don't get moving. We have a great company made up of great people. We want everyone to be safe and healthy. That is why we are demanding that as we return, and then afterwords, we practice safe, healthy procedures. Use common sense. Listen to the CDC and our company guidelines and let's move safely into our new normal, our brave new world


Clete Landis, Holly Jarrett, CJ Landis, Keith Muir and the Management Team

PS: Please pass this information to other employees.

                                    For more information about the pandemic go to https://www.cdc.gov/


260 Country Club Road. Easton PA 18045 US


Contact HR ​with questions or concerns.

Rob Grow

Star temporary social distance guidelines during the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • OPTIONAL: Wear a mask that covers your nose and mouth during your time at work. Our customers are also required to wear a mask. A sign will be posted on the door. Star will supply each employee with a mask while our supply lasts. A homemade mask is acceptable if it meets CDC guidelines. Only employees are allowed at work. This is mandatory and any individual that fails to cooperate will be turned away.
  • Keep a distance from everyone. Use the phone, text, email to communicate interoffice. Stay out of the main office and all individual offices to communicate. Require customer night drop procedures during the day. Require credit card payments on the phone, not in person. After the repair is complete and paid in full the vehicle can be placed outside with the key and a receipt over the visor at the requested time.
  • Stagger breaks to ensure proper distancing. No more than 2 employees are allowed in the break room at one time and they should keep the 6-foot distance guidelines.
  • If an employee is experiencing a symptom, they should call their supervisor and not come to work. If they are at work, follow the same process. Notify your supervisor and go home.
  • If an employee is tested for Covid-19 they should notify HR (610)844-4323 and provide the results as they become available. They should stay away from work until the results are received.
  •  Check www.StarCarHR.com for more updates as they become available. The return to work will roll out gradually over the coming days and weeks. Contact your supervisor for more information.